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Last time, we covered the installation of node.js and we implemented a basic random number generator which we used for generating lotto numbers. In this part, I thought it would be good to see how linux commands, like yes, word count, or cat, can be implemented in JavaScript using node.js. In this part I will cover the yes command (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_(Unix)). First let’s see the code (right) and I will explain the details afterwards. The first line of the file is simple and, if you have ever written a bash script, you know what is it for; it gives a hint to the command line what app to use for executing the script. In this case, I wrote to use node from /usr/bin. After that, I have a description of the app and what it should do, the description is taken from the man page of the command.


I defined two constants, DEFAULT_TEXT and CUSTOM_TEXT. The DEFAULT_TEXT is used to write out the y character and a newline. The CUSTOM_TEXT will contain the text which the user wants to repeat. Then, I define three functions (printUsage, writeDefaultText, writeCustomText), their names are self-explanatory, but their content might need some attention. In node, using the process.sdtout object means that we can access any outgoing stream and we can write to it. For example, if you want to add the output of the yes command to a file using this command: ./yes.js » resultTextFile.txt, then this should work without any problem. The most important part comes now; in the application, I subscribe to the signal SIGINT (which is usually triggered on all operating systems when the user presses CTRL+C keys) using the process.on(…) function. When the signal is sent, I clear the repetition setup of the functions writeDefaultText() and writeCustomText(). I know we have not set up the repetition of these yet, but it will come shortly. I set up the repetition of a method (either writeDefaultText() or writeCustomText()) using the setInterval(…) function. With the repeated execution of writeCustomText() or writeDefaultText() methods, I manage to repeat the same output many times.


Next, I check if the process was started with or without parameters. If it was started without parameters (process.argv.length == 2)**, it means that I need to set the writeDefaultText() method to be repeated until the user sends a SIGINT signal and the application will stop. The repetition is set up using the code: setInterval(writeDefaultText, 2). The setInterval() function takes two parameters; the first one is the method which needs to be executed and the second is the interval when that method (parameter #1) needs to be run. The second parameter needs to be a number and it represents milliseconds; in this case the writeDefaultText() will be invoked every two milliseconds. In case the program was started with three parameters (process.argv.length == 3)**, it means that the user passed in a custom text which he/she wants to be repeated, so, I set the writeCustomText() method to be executed every two milliseconds, but before that I do an extra check and see if the text provided by the user has a newline at the end or not. If it does not have a newline character, then I will add the newline character.


In case the number of process arguments is not two or three, I invoke the printUsage() method which prints to the user how to use the program. You could ask why did I set the interval to two milliseconds and not to one. The answer is simple, if I set the interval to one millisecond, then the app will not be able to receive the SIGINT event when the user presses CTRL+C keys. This is just one implementation of the yes command; there are other ways to do it, but I've chosen to do it this way because I could use signals and intervals, plus had to take into account the number of parameters passed to the program. In the next part, I will implement word count (wc) using node.js. Till then try to do another implementation of the yes command, or any other linux command, and please send it to me, I will put it in the next article and highlight pros and cons of the implementation.


** According to the node documentation (https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_argv) the first item in argv array is the word “node”, the second is the name of the JavaScript file which is executed.

issue99/javascript.1439493525.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/08/13 21:18 de fredphil91