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Oil Rush (http://oilrush-game.com/) by Unigine, a real-time strategy game first announced in the fall of 2010, was released this January for the Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems.

Is Oil Rush worth your time after an almost two-year wait?

The Game features three gaming options: • Campaign, aka the Story Mode • Quick Game (for those who want to just wet their beaks with a quick play of the game) • Multiplayer, consisting of LAN and Online.

This review will focus on the Campaign Mode of Oil Rush. The Campaign Mode has a total of four chapters - with each chapter containing three to five missions, and, depending on your playing style and at what difficulty the game is set, you will have around fifteen to twenty-three hours of game play.

First off, the game looks great and runs great - provided you have a modern pc; anything more than three to four years old that doesn’t have a hardware upgrade in RAM/CPU/video card will struggle to run this game.

At its core, Oil Rush is a very basic RTS game, but, being basic doesn't mean that it’s not fun to play.

As the game progresses, and as with all RTS games, you get new types of units to command. However, unlike other RTS games, you don't get to carry over anything you have learned via research, nor do your units keep their upgrades. Every new mission in Oil Rush sees your units starting anew from scratch. Each mission requires the player to spend research points differently; one mission may see you spend points in beefing up the defense of your units and bases, while another may call for you to spend points in weapons research, sabotage and speed upgrades, and yet another mission may call for you to mix all your research points into both defense and offense. However, your research of both offense and defense will not be as in-depth as if you had focused on just one.

Research Points are earned via combat and/or successfully capturing bases/facilities. Since there is a limited number of bases and enemy units, you have to carefully think about where you wish to spend your points; invest too heavily in defending your bases and providing support for your units and you may find that, with no weapons research done, you are able to only hold the enemy to a stalemate. On the other hand, invest too heavily in weapons and the speed of your units, and you may lose your bases as you didn’t invest in defense.

As was said before, Oil Rush is a basic RTS, so, as a result, there is no true base building within the game. Instead, there are bases that you can capture, and then upgrade their defenses. Each base represents a different unit that you can capture, categorized into heavy, medium and light builds, and whether they are good or vulnerable against other units.

As the name of the game implies, Oil is key to your survival - it is the resource that you depend on for the upkeep of your units and bases. Without oil, you will be unable to create defenses or use any of the active skills you learn via research. Some of these skills include sabotaging enemy bases, propaganda to increase the defense of your own base/units, deploying support vehicles that can repair your units, increasing the production speed of your units, seeing what the enemy is up to on an unexplored region of the map, or even nuking your enemies. Oil can be obtained via the capturing of oil rigs. However, defense turrets, etc, cannot be set around oil rigs, so it’s up to the player to decide what units to deploy around them - you can easily lose ownership of an oil rig within the blink of an eye.

All in all, the Campaign Mode of Oil Rush is a fun ride, good for the asking price of US$19.99. Which, if purchased via the Unigine Store, nets you the Linux, Mac, and Windows DRM-free versions, and also the Steam version.

Pros : • Good Game to get your feet wet with if you have never played an RTS game before. • Beautiful Graphics.

Cons : • Requires a modern PC/Mac; not for an old computer more than three to four years old. • For RTS veteran Gamers, the lack of options will be off-putting.

Oil Rush is available for purchase via the Ubuntu Software Center, Desura (http://www.desura.com/games/oil-rush), and The Unigine Store (http://unigine.com/products/oilrush/).

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