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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

1/ This is a screenshot of my current Ubuntu desktop. I am in the Granite rapid, Grand Canyon, Colorado river Arizona. Photographer was on shore. I don't know what camera or lens he was using.

2/ This is my Kubuntu desktop. The menu and application bar is vertical (on the left) and disappears automatically.

The background changes with NASA pictures downloaded from the NASA site.

The countdown (bottom left) is to remind me not to go to sleep too late.

3/ This is my Ubuntu desktop. It's a photo I took of a Queensland rail train doing a special back from the Pumpkin festival as it came into Cooroy station.

4/ A little adjustment of icons and cursor makes things wonderfully special this summer.

Keeping things tidy makes sure that the ambiance of my desktop keeps me inspired and productive.

Here is my simple shot of my Ubuntu desktop in my personal laptop, using Unity Tweak to adjust the panel moving it to the bottom of the screen.

OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2 Themes: Ambiance Icons: Windows 10 Cursor: Windows 8

issue121/mon_bureau.1496070501.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2017/05/29 17:08 de auntiee