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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Fire up Blender and let’s start! Hopefully you now have something that is starting to resemble Tux or the cartoon penguin of your choosing. Why don’t we pull out all the stops and give our penguin some whiskers? (Those yellow tufts on the head).

With what I have taught you so far, add a cube and move it to an open spot, scale it down, use all 3 axes to resize it to look like a ruler (bottom left).

Once your whisker looks a bit like mine, use the rotate button or the R-key to rotate it. The catch is that if you are a noob, you may not get the hang of rotating on an axis. Click on the rotation point and you should see three rotation lines. Click, and hold, and then move on any of those, will only move on that plane.

In this image (bottom right), you can clearly see red arcing, green vertical, and blue horizontal. Just remember, yours may not look like mine as your penguin may be facing the other way. However, the principle is the same. Move it more or less in place. Now use the mirror technique from the last issue to make two.

Take a look at this penguin, the eyebrows seem to go 45 degrees up then 45 degrees down, so we need to rotate our start to 45 degrees. They don’t touch, but they are mirrored. That said, feel free to give your penguin a uni-brow, it is a cartoon of YOUR choice. I just want to teach you a tool we have not used yet, that is very handy. Again, be careful not to move the brow in edit mode as opposed to object mode, when you want to mirror something or the mirroring will be warped.

Tip: You will know this when the orange dot in the center does not move with the object.

Remember this is how we mirrored the eyes. Move it into position. Your penguin may look more like a pokemon, but we will get there.

We will make the blend-file available if you get stuck.

Once you have them in place (bottom left), we can start the next phase. If you have been following along since the beginning, you may have noticed that there is a bend modifier. This is a great tool, but newbies have issues getting their heads around it. You need to realize where your beginning plane is as well as what blender will be using as the plane to bend things around. As much as I would like to go that route, it will take too long to explain, so instead we will use the loop cut tool in the side menu. It is the second last block before the solid one, which looks like a block cut in half, the shortcut key is ctrl+r. When placing a cut to create new planes, you can use your mouse wheel to create more cuts, if you will, but in our case we need only one. Select the massive eyebrow and make sure you are in edit mode. Select loop cut or press ctrl+r. Now move your mouse around the massive eyebrow and see the yellow cut move, horizontally or vertically slicing the mesh.

When you place your loop cut, keep holding down the left mouse button and you should see arrows that allow you to slide the cut along the opposite axis that you are cutting. Slide the cut down a bit so that it is still within the “face” area. Press G to move the eyebrows to make a 45-degree bend.

I just make sure mine is horizontal as in the picture bottom right (it does not have to be precisely 45 degrees). Press enter when done. Press A to make sure the whole one eyebrow goes orange and click on rotate. You should see this:

As you can see (next page), I can now grab it by the red arch and twist them down to form the eyebrow as it should be. Don’t worry if they touch, you can just move them apart on the one axis (Y for me). Move them until you are satisfied.

Don’t worry about the size, we can address that when we make some tufts. Yes I know it looks more like Mr Potatohead, but bear with me (I promise we will end up with a penguin… or an angry bird… just kidding). Like everything else, you start with a base layer and build up. We will work our way down the body with wings and feet. Again, we can simply mirror those. I will add another screenshot from a different angle for you to see where we are at.

With lots of images, I have hit my limit for taking up space in the magazine, hope to see you next issue ready and eager.

Was anything unclear, do you know an easier way? Let us know: misc@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue182/blender.1656314597.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/06/27 09:23 de auntiee