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I don’t know if you have noticed but there seems to have been an influx of games for Linux being announced at the start of April. First off, there are three (well two for certain, and one a maybe) via the donation crowdfunding service Kickstarter which helped out Novacut. We have Tim Schaffers’s point-and-click adventure game “Double Fine Adventure” (not sure if it’s been given a new name) http://kck.st/A9k3jH. It comes out for most major OSs: Mac, Linux, Windows, and Android, and, I think, IOS - thanks to the $3 million it raised via Kickstarter.

Next up is Brian Fargo's (founder of Interplay) RPG, Wasteland 2, http://kck.st/yDcMry. This raised an impressive $2.1million with 7 days still remaining. This will be available across Mac, Linux, and Windows, when complete.

Finally, there’s the Shadowrun Pc game, for now simply called “Shadowrun Returns” by Jordan Wiseman (creator of Battletech, Crimson Skies, etc) http://kck.st/HgUlMj. Initially, this was supposed to also have support for Mac, Linux, and Windows, but, even though they have met and surpassed their Kickstarter goal, the game will be available for only Mac and Windows upon launch. They have said “maybe” they’ll do a Linux release after launch, usually when game devs have said this they mean never, for example the folks behind both Bastion and Magicka promised DRM-free versions of their games and “maybe” a Linux port. Both of them have yet to appear. At least the folks behind Trine delivered on their promise for a Linux and DRM-free version of their game (still waiting on a Trine 2 Linux version).

We also have a fan-made Wing Commander which is officially endorsed by EA, which has a Mac, Linux (promised to be released shortly), and WIndows version. It’s called “The Darkest Dawn” http://www.wcsaga.com/downloads/files/releases.html. The only problem being that EA is known for giving its support, and then, mere moments later, turning around and pulling it, causing fan projects to be shut down. There was a King's Quest fan project that suffered this fate. EA gave its consent, and then, mere days before the game was to be released, pulled that consent. I believe public outcry/bad publicity eventually made them change their mind.

I almost forgot about the upcoming RPG Age of Decadence by Iron Tower Studio http://www.irontowerstudio.com/ that is now taking pre-orders. They have announced that the game will be across Mac, Linux, and Windows. There's even a playable beta, not sure if it’s available for Linux yet though.

There are more crowdfunding game efforts on Kickstarter right now where the developers are promising Mac and Linux ports. The fact that Double Fine more than exceeded its goal by millions may have something to do with this. I either don't really know much about the folks behind them, or they are out of my preferred game genres. For example there are some FPS and RTS games seeking funding.

Let us continue our exploration on bsnes (http://www.byuu.org/bsnes), an emulator striving for perfection when it comes to realism in playing snes games. In the last edition of Full Circle, we discussed installation, rom purification, basic settings and first impressions. I recommend you to read that article before proceeding into details presented shortly. This month, we focus on different bsnes profiles and the manual editing of configuration files for precise tuning. Chrono Trigger is used as a sample game. We address some key points of the bsnes user guide, which can be read at http://www.byuu.org/bsnes/user-guide/.

Bsnes not working after an update?

If you used the method described in FCM#59 to install bsnes (the workaround with .deb files), you might have noticed that, after an upgrade to version 0.87, bsnes fails to start. The reason for this is largely unknown at the time of writing. However, there is a simple solution: just downgrade back to 0.84 and stay there. Hopefully this annoying bug will be fixed in Precise 12.04.


Bsnes has three modes (profiles) of operation: accuracy, compatibility, and performance. Accuracy is intended for relatively new high-end machines, and, according to the bsnes homepage, it is “almost twice as slow as the compatibility profile”. However, in practice, the differences between profiles are small, and it’s difficult to determine which one is which - unless you look very carefully (see figures below: the first one is for accuracy, second for compatibility, and third for performance). As default, bsnes starts in compatibility mode. Accuracy and performance modes can be launched by navigating into /usr/games and running the files bsnes-accuracy or bsnes-performance.

I decided to use the compatibility profile mainly because my rig with E6750 processor, 4GB ram and 8800 gts graphics card was not up to the task of running accuracy mode. Therefore, all details presented below are tested for the compatibility profile only.

Configuration files

The bsnes user guide is probably thorough enough for most users. Nevertheless, more advanced tuning is possible by manually editing the configuration files located in ~/.config/bsnes. Also, once you have customized the files, you can back them up for later use or to another machine, making the configuration portable. If you place the files in the same directory where the bsnes executable is located (that is, /usr/games in Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit), bsnes automatically uses those files.

I use VIM (http://vim.org) for editing, and highly recommend it for any power-user or professional working in the field. There’s a tutorial series on VIM starting in FCM #54 which I find quite comprehensive. However, if you don’t want to spend weeks getting used to VIM logic, any text editor (e.g. gedit) will do just fine.

• The geometry file geometry.cfg can be used to adjust window positions (see figure below). If you experience problems with disappearing windows, delete this file and run bsnes again. • Inputs are defined in input.cfg. At the end of the file, there’s a list of shortcut keys for saving states, full screen mode, pause, reset, etc, which you can customize. Too bad there’s (at least not yet) no shortcut for loading a cartridge. Hopefully in the near future… • bsnes reads the rom file paths from paths.cfg which can be individually customized for different file types (i.e. you can save your snes and nes roms in different directories). • settings.cfg essentially has the same information for general settings as the graphical user interface, and also some extras. For instance, you can add a video shader for better image quality by specifying the option: Video::Shader = “/home/%USERNAME%/.config/bsnes/shader/HQ2x.OpenGL.shader” The same thing can be accomplished from Settings → Video Shader → HQ2x.

Note: do not edit config files while running bsnes. This might cause unexpected behaviour and loss of unsaved game data.

Final verdict on bsnes

As the program is clearly still in development, it is perhaps a bit unfair to call this ‘’final’’. All in all, bsnes gets the job done well. The experience resembles authentic snes in a way that is uncommon for most emulators. The only drawback is the extensive use of computer resources. You must have an up-to-date machine to run the accuracy profile without glitches or tearing of sound effects. Luckily, the quality of emulation is also very good for compatibility and performance profiles, so you don’t necessarily need to upgrade just for playing snes.

It’s pretty safe to assume most gamers have played Frozenbyte’s fantasy side-scroller, Trine and Trine 2 on Xbox Live, PC, or Mac. But, now, open-source gamers can get it on the physics-based platforming experience too. Frozenbyte released Trine 2 for Linux in early April of this year, online co-op included! With the recent release of the Linux version, I was curious as to how the whole porting experience went for the staff at Frozenbyte. Jukka Kokkonen (Lead Linux Coder) and Mikael Haveri (PR) were kind enough to answer some questions for the FCM community.

How does your mindset differ when working with Linux as opposed to other platforms? Jukka Kokkonen, Lead Linux Coder (JK)

There probably isn't that much of a difference when working for Linux as opposed to other platforms. But there perhaps is some level of thought present that Linux probably isn't the usual gaming platform, and, as such, we're more likely to encounter various issues along the way. Despite how well we get it working on the development computers, there are probably going to be much more of those random cases, where the game refuses to work properly for some player - so more support requirement for the Linux version was to be expected. However, we are also hopeful that the Linux community is probably quite adept in solving these kind of issues, and thus we expected this to balance out the issues to some extent.

We would really have hoped to get it working “out-of-the-box” as much as possible for every Linux user - but a bit sceptical that it would be a feasible target. At least my personal experiences with Linux are that it still requires a little bit of do-it-yourself attitude - much less than it used to be 10 years ago, though.

A good example of these unforeseen issues is that the disk and network performance of my Linux work computer kept randomly going totally down to the muds. Kernel logs helped pinpoint the issue a bit, but I never figured out the exact reason, it was either a hardware issue or a Linux kernel issue. And after some Googling, I found a kernel workaround for it. Unfortunately, it would have required compiling a custom kernel. Now, I've done that before, nothing new there, but this time I felt a bit lazy and decided that just rebooting the computer every time it glitched was the easier way around. This just goes to show, that even today, one can expect to encounter some unexpected issues on Linux, but also, the solutions to the issues can often be found, as someone has already come across it and figured it out.

When and how was the decision made to work on the Linux version? Mikael Haveri, PR (MH)

We teamed up with the Humble Bundle guys for the first-ever company specific bundle, which was very well received. This also strengthened our belief in the Linux community, and made us realize that there is a definite market that we should cater to. Since we had to have Linux versions for the bundle, at first it was our priority just to create them for the campaign. Now, after that experience, I'm pretty sure the Linux versions of all the future games will follow more closely after the releases on other platforms.

How was the overall process porting the game? (JK)

On specific parts, it was quite easy. On some parts, there were little surprises, like not having the audio middleware available on Linux. The fact that we already had the code in a basically compile-ready condition for the gcc toolchain made things easier. So we didn't have to start fixing some compile issue trivialities. Also, because we had the Mac OS X port done, which also used things like SDL and OpenGL, the transition from that implementation to the Linux implementation was quite easy. For example, the base OpenGL renderer port on Linux was up and running in about a day or two when we used the Mac OpenGL renderer as a base. Of course there were some bugs to iron out, and tweaking to be done, etc, so it took much more than those few days to get the whole thing ready for release.

Was there anything that really surprised you guys while working with this port? (JK)

There were no major surprises, I think. A little bit of a surprise was how little time porting of some things took (such as the OpenGL renderer or some other parts of the code), mainly since those could be easily converted from the existing Mac port. But then again, there were some surprises that had the opposite effect on the time for porting, like the audio middleware not being available on Linux. If we would have had to do some code modules for the port from the scratch, like the OpenGL renderer, things might have been different.

Then there was, of course, all the random issues caused by different Linux distributions having a little bit of different libraries, window managers, etc. But, these didn't really surprise us. Though we perhaps couldn't anticipate what all of those little issues would be, we did know that there would be such. So far, the initial reports from users already show that there certainly are all kinds of small issues, mostly focused on the issues caused by the differences between the desktop window managers - but luckily, we've had no major issues so far. There's been nothing that we couldn't fix - or at least somehow have a workaround past the issues, with the helpful hints from the other Linux users who have already figured out how to apply some workaround.

What were your personal experiences with Linux prior to Trine 2’s port? (JK)

Personally, my experiences with Linux before the Trine 2 port were that I do have a Linux server running at my home, but I'm not really using it as my primary desktop computer. I've also worked for a couple of years on web portal technology back in the day, and that was basically all Linux development. I've also done some minimal freeware games, some of which I also ported to Linux - but this was more than 10 years ago. For the rest of the programmers who were involved in the Linux port, most of them I think have had at least some level of contact with Linux or other Unix systems during their university studies.

Are you guys planning on releasing your future games on Linux as well? (JK + MH)

From a technical point of view, I see no problem here. As we already have the engine ported on Linux, and assuming we'll continue to use our own engine for the next games, most of the porting work has already been done regarding Linux. (So I guess it mostly comes to the the expected sales and economics on the platform really.)

It is great fun to port to Linux from the perspective that it is such a proactive community - making our efforts easier and more fun. But, from an economic perspective, it all depends on the amount of Linux copies we sell and how the market grows. Although everything is looking good so far, it is yet to be seen how far the Linux game market will grow.

You can get Trine 2 for Linux at http://www.trine2.com. The standard edition, which includes a Steam key, is available for $14.99. For $10 more you can get the collector’s edition, with some nice bonus items such as a digital artbook and original soundtrack. A huge thanks to Jukka and Mikael for their time!

issue60/jeux_ubuntu.1336017845.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2012/05/03 06:04 de fredphil91