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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Last month, we created a clover using Bezier curves and also we used a background image to model it. Now it's time to add the third dimension of our model.

On the right, under the properties window, select the curve tab:

Scroll down and you will find the Geometry panel. Enter the value 0.2 to Extrude as shown in the image below:

You can check the 3D view window to observe that your image starts to have depth.

Now, a very interesting thing is under the Shape panel in the properties window:

You can see that the 3D button is selected. Press the 2D button. Under Fill, select Back. Your model “filled” in the back. Now select Front. As you may have expected, your model “filled” in front. As you can guess, if you choose None, nothing is “filled”. Let’s select Both.

Now you have a solid 3D model – as you can see in the 3D view window.

Lets tweak it a little. Under the Geometry panel that we mentioned earlier, you have a Bevel parameter. In Depth, enter the value 0.03, and in Resolution enter 2 as the value. You can alter the Depth parameter if you want to Bevel the edges of your model more or less. For me 0.03 is fine.

Now it is time to add materials to your model. Refer to earlier issues of Full Circle Magazine if you don't remember how to add materials. My favorite material is glass, so I gave a green glass to my clover. Also, add a white plane as a background to have a better visual result.

Next month, we will introduce text. We will add text to our image that we created this month, but also we will examine a technique to create interesting stuff with our model using a very interesting modifier. Stay tuned!

On the 3rd of November, www.blender.org changed its looks. So, I don't have to suggest another site. Explore the new site and have fun!

issue79/tutoriel_-_blender.1390313007.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/01/21 15:03 de andre_domenech