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Welcome to another issue of Full Circle!

A full house – with Python, LibreOffice, Blender and Inkscape HowTo's. And they're joined by an excellent article on installing Linux using PXE. It's not something I've done, but I can see how handy it would be – especially for that older hardware in your life.

This month marks the four-year anniversary of Greg's Python series. Four years! Forty-eight articles, and still going strong. If you love Python, make sure you email Greg some congratulations and encouragement.

Mir. Other than being a Russian space station, what does it mean for Ubuntu (and its brethren)? Copil does his best to explain it in his 'Ask The New Guy' column this month. I was going to put the display-server diagram on the cover, but then thought against it as it'd just frighten people off with its complexity. Hence, my choice of a nice space photo showing said Russian space station instead.

The review this month is something a bit different; Google Music. And how does that fit into Ubuntu? To be honest, it doesn't really. But, it's a nice service that works on Linux; it does have a Linux upload client, and does have an Android app. If you like your music, then I can highly recommend Google's All Access as I use it on my desktop (while making Full Circle) and on my phone. With unlimited data on my phone, I've no need for an MP3 player.

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue78/editorial.1386414961.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2013/12/07 12:16 de andre_domenech